One of the main components to our strategic plan is to make prayer and worship central to all that we do. We strive to live into this goal through a variety of prayer ministries...
Seasonal Prayer For each season of the church year (Advent, Epiphany, Lent, etc.) we have a prayer emphasis through which we invite our entire congregation to participate in prayer ministry. There are a variety of ways in which we do this: In some seasons we have a day of prayer. In Epiphany we do 30 a month of prayer focusing on our church leaders and various ministries of the church. In Advent we invite members to participate in a "prayer walk" through the entire church. By having a prayer emphasis each season we are able to lift up the ministry of prayer throughout the entire church year.
Phone Prayer Chain As needs come into our church office, one of ur ministry team will forward the prayer request to our prayer phone chain leaders. They will in turn call each participant to update them regarding the request. To be a part of our Phone Prayer Team, please call the church office.
Email/Text Prayer Team Our Email/Text Prayer Team receives prayer requests on a regular basis either by email or text message. Currently Leslie Schmidt is our team coordinator and if you would like to be a part of this team, please call Leslie at: 918.688.5346.
Prayer Shawl The Prayer Shawl team meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month to crochet, knit, and pray. This team makes Prayer Shawl's which individuals facing special needs and the shawl's are "prayed over" and delivered by our Pastor or member of our Care Team. This ministry is coordinated by Sue Coonce and if you would like more information please contact her at: 918.227.2122.
Days of Prayer World Day of Prayer, National Day of Prayer, and other designated prayer days are recognized by our church. Usually, on these special days our Chapel remains open from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm and members are invited to sign up for a block of time in which to pray.